


Hi, I am Amy and this Website is dedicated to my love for things vintage.  My passion is to save timeless treasures and incorporate them into a contemporary lifestyle.   I love to restore, repair and up-cycle home decor items. I also love to search the market for home and personal accessories that reflect the vintage vibe. The lovely couple in the photo next to me are my grandparents Dorothy and Joseph in 1926. They did not have a lot of possessions but they had enough love to go around the world. When my grandmother was gifted or bought jewelry or home decor, it was always unique and I remember touching everything. Many of her things still grace my home today. She and her sister Rose as well as my my mother Marilyn and her sister Ann Lois inspired me to appreciate art and fashion. They taught me to enjoy things that are unique and not to be “like everyone else”.

Well, my hobby has turned into a full-time endeavor. Before I entered the corporate world, I studied Fashion Merchandising and Marketing at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. I worked in retail with the dream of owning my decor shop some day. Then I met the man who would become my dear husband and relocated to the Washington, DC area. I earned a Master’s Degree in Human Resources and worked in that field for many years, We have a wonderful son Cameron, who will be off to college next year. I am starting by transforming my home by redecorating on a budget to reflect my changing lifestyle . Join me on my journey to re-style my life and home.

Please do check out our merchandise on this website. We also do custom furniture and home decor orders. For ideas, please see past sales. We can even update items that are currently in your home for an affordable cost.


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